Trilogy III
By Ruth Y. Nott
Copyright 1975
Never a day goes by that you don't cross my mind.
Remembering what we had, I somehow always find
myself dreaming of more, wanting more time with you,
wanting to learn your ways in all the things you do.
You're such a joy to know and thus somehow I find
that never a day goes by that you don't cross my mind.
I wish I could see you again.
I'd tell you I've missed you my friend.
The days have been long and oh so cold
without your warm loving arms to hold
me close, your lips to kiss away my cares,
and your eyes to hungrily lay me bare.
'Though the distance beteen us is measured
in minutes and hours and miles,
the moments we shared are each treasured,
the laughter, the tears and the smiles.