Stripped and dressed in purple robes, a crown of thorns upon His head;
so stood our Lord, and yet He smiled, for he had conquered fear and dread.
Our cross of sins upon His back, He started on His way;
but a man called Simon took up His load and carried it that day.
Upon the hill at Calvry, they labeled Him a king.
They gambled for His royal robes as His precious soul took wing.
As darkness turned the day to night, they witnessed God's great power -
and what He lost we gained in full - eternal life is ours!
In his own new tomb, Joseph laid Him and wrapped Him in linen of white.
A stone he placed before the door and guards kept watch through the night.
On the Sabbath day they rested and Mary her oils prepared;
for she would go to anoint Him to show how much she cared.
Then, together, Mary and Mary came to meet the bright new dawn.
They came to seek the Master and found that He was gone!
"Why seek ye the living among the dead?" a Heavenly voice did ask.
"Go tell His own that He has risen, for this will be your task."
Both fear and joy o'erflowed their hearts! How could this come to pass?!
They knew their Lord indeed had died for they were with Him 'til the last.
And even His faithful disciples, when told of this event,
found that they could not believe the news that they were sent.
So, He came unto those few and His message He verified.
They felt His nail-scarred hands and touched His wounded side.
"Go then and teach the world." This assignment they were given.
And leaving His promise to warm their hearts, He ascended unto Heaven.
Now a lifetime of lov and happiness is easily within our grasp.
We've only to seek His forgiveness, to open our hearts, and to ask.
His spirit will move within us, healing and preparing the way
for His loving kindness to give us all that we need for each day.