By Ruth Y. Nott
Copyright 2002

When someone cracks a verbal whip and your mind recoils from the pain,
is your first impulse to break and run, to find shelter from the rain?

When life and love and circumstance all join in cyclonic form,
do you place the blame on someone else, or see the "I" of every storm?

You need to take another look... Bring "you" and "I" to "we"...
for someone else is always there, and not just "me", "me", "me"!

To take a hand and hold on tight, is the beginning of the healing.
Don't let those angry winds rip apart the bond you're feeling.

To realize that it takes two, and stop your endless dreaming,
is to see the "I" as well as "you" and understand its meaning.

In time the waves will calm and the waters all recede
and you can find "together" the answers that you need.

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